This post is about how to write a 4-bit Counter with synchronous reset in Verilog. But what do I mean by Counter? A Counter counts from 0 to n, where n > 0. Usually we count in decimals like 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...n. But computers don’t count like that, they count in binary as we all know.
The 4-bit Counter counts from 0 to 15. But why only 15? because that’s the highest value of the number that we can represent in 4-bits (0000 = 0, 1111 = 15).
Let’s count from 0 to 15 in Binary:
0000 = 0 0001 = 1 0010 = 2 0011 = 3 0100 = 4 0101 = 5 0110 = 6 0111 = 7 1000 = 8 1001 = 9 1010 = 10 1011 = 11 1100 = 12 1101 = 13 1110 = 14 1111 = 15
Now let’s first look at how to write a 4-bit Counter in Verilog without Synchronous reset.
// counter.v module Counter4Bit( input clk, output reg [3:0] count // 4-bit to hold value till 1111 (15 in Decimal) ); always @(posedge clk) begin count <= count + 1; end endmodule
module counter_tb; reg clk; wire [3:0] count; Counter4Bit counter( .clk(clk), .count(count) ); always #1 clk = ~clk; initial begin clk = 0; // initial value of clk at 0ns time unit. #100 $finish; // stop the simulation after 100ns time unit end endmodule
If we run the above design code along with the testbench, we can see that the output of count will always be x. But what is x? In Verilog, x represents unknown or undefined value.
The reason is because:
- At time unit
, the value ofclk
and the value ofcount
which is the initial value. - At time unit
, the value ofclk
and the value ofcount
is stillx
. This is because we can’t add anything with unknown or undefined value. That is why at the positive edge of theclk
,count = x + 1
which results tox
So, how can we fix this? We need to provide a way to set the value of count
to 0
when the clk
(clock) goes from negative edge to positive edge (0 to 1). This is where reset
comes in. Let’s take a look at the slightly modified version of the design code and testbench.
// design code module Counter4Bit( input clk, reset, output reg [3:0] count ); always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset) begin count <= 0; end else begin count <= count + 1; end end endmodule
// testbench module counter_tb; reg clk, reset; wire [3:0] count; Counter4Bit counter( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .count(count) ); // for every 2ns time unit, clk goes from 0 to 1 to 0 always #1 clk = ~clk; initial begin clk = 0; reset = 0; // set initial values at 0ns time unit #1 reset=1; // set the initial value of count to 0 #1 reset=0; // increment count #30 $finish; // stop the simulation after 33ns time unit end endmodule
Let’s breakdown the above design code and testbench:
- We’ve added a
wire as output inCounter4Bit
module. Whenever the value ofreset
it setscount
. - In the testbench, we’ve set the initial value of
time unit. - At
time unit, we are makingreset
, this make sure that the initial value ofcount
is set to0
. Also this happens when the value ofclk
. - At
time unit, we are makingreset
to start incrementing the value ofcount
by 1.
When we run the above design code and testbench:
- At time unit
, clk=0, reset=0 and count=xxxx - At time unit
, clk=1, reset=1 and count=0 - At time unit
, clk=0, reset=0 and count=0 - At time unit
, clk=1, reset=0 and count=1 - At time unit
, clk=0, reset=0 and count=1 - At time unit
, clk=1, reset=0 and count=10 - At time unit
, clk=0, reset=0 and count=10 - ….
- At time unit
, clk=0, reset=0 and count=1111
This is a brief description about how to write a 4-bit Counter with Synchronous reset in Verilog. The reference code can be found here.