
Writing a simple Lexer

In this blog post, I’ll be going over how to write a simple Lexer that parses and generates Tokens for few characters. We’ll also add few rules to the parsing logic on how to parse certain characters.

The code can be found on Github.

Let’s first define what we are trying to parse. We’ll parse the following characters.

  • { → open curly bracket
  • } → closed curly bracket
  • ( → open parenthesis
  • ) → closed parenthesis
  • * → star
  • + → plus
  • , → comma
  • . → dot
  • - → minus

Our goal is to parse these characters and generate token out of these. Generally we call these characters lexemes. For example, { is represented as LEFT_BRACE and you can name it whatever you want as long it represents the correct token. Let’s breakdown our problem. Currently, our goal is to parse only one character. Let’s choose { for our initial implementation.

We should parse the { and generate a token like LEFT_BRACE { in a string format.

Initial implementation

Let’s start by defining our token type because eventually we’ll be generating token once we parse a character.

from enum import Enum

class TokenType(Enum):
    LEFT_BRACE = 1

In the above code snippet, I have created a class named TokenType which is an enum, which holds all the required tokens for our parser(lexer). Currently we have only one token which is the left curly brace ({), we’ll add more once we setup our parser.

Now let’s create a class for our Lexer which takes in a source, which are the characters that we want to parse.

class Lexer:
    def __init__(self, source):
        self.source = source

if __name__ == "__main__":
    characters: str = "{" # for now only one
    lexer = Lexer(characters)

In the above code snippet, we have defined a class named Lexer which will hold everything that we need to achieve our goal. Our Lexer takes in a source which is nothing but a string of characters, that contains the character that we need to parse.

Under the if condition, we have a variable named characters which will hold the things we need to parse. Currently it contains { , we’ll add more later. Right after that, we have initialized our Lexer class by passing in the characters as source.

The next step is to “consume” the character and for now, let’s print it.

Consume characters

Let’s add a method that consume characters one by one. For now, we implement this method that’ll print the character it consumes.

class Lexer:
    def __init__(self, source) -> None:
        self.source = source
        self.start_position = 0
        self.current_position = 0

    def consume_characters(self) -> None:
        while (not self.isAtEnd()):
            self.start_position = self.current_position

    def _consume_character(self) -> None:
        current_character: str = self.eat_and_move_on()

    def eat_and_move_on(self):
        self.current_position = self.current_position + 1
        return self.source[self.current_position - 1]

    def isAtEnd(self) -> bool:
        return self.current_position >= len(self.source)

There are a few things to unpack from the above code snippet. Let’s look at one by one. We have two similar methods consume_characters and _consume_character. And we have a couple of helper methods isAtEnd and eat_and_move_on which we are using to make a clear abstraction.

consume_characters is a top level method. The goal of this method is to consume all the characters that we pass one by one until it reaches the EOF(End of file). This method uses the isAtEnd helper method to constantly check whether it reached the end of the file or not.

If it doesn’t reach the end of the file, we are doing two things

  • Setting the value of start_position to the current value of current_position . We will see why we are doing this.
  • Second we are calling the _consume_character method. The goal of the method is to consume the one character at a time and process it. For now we are just printing it.

The isAtEnd method is pretty self explanatory, it checks whether the current_position reaches the end of the file. It does that by comparing the value of the current_position and the length of the source (which is the string of characters that we want to parse).

As the name suggests, the eat_and_move_on method “eats” the current character that the current_position points to and then increment the value of the current_position so that on the next iteration, it can “eat” the next character. Here “eat” is just a metaphor for consume.

We’ll update our initialization code and test our current functionality.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    characters: str = "{" # for now only one
    lexer = Lexer(characters)

Go ahead and run this code and see what’s happening. You should see { on the console.

We can add more characters to our characters variable and our program will still consume and eat all the characters. Try to run the program by modifying the value of the characters variable to this: {}{}{}{} , you should see all the characters print in a new line. Now that we’ve written our logic to consume character one by one, we can start generating token from it. But first of all what are tokens?


Tokens are the smallest unit of meaningful text in programming languages, such as keywords, identifiers, operators, literals and punctuation marks. Tokens serve as the basic building blocks of the language’s syntax and used to represent individual elements within code.

As you have seen from the code snippet at the very beginning of this blog post, we have a token type called LEFT_BRACE which is a meaningful representation of {. These are what we call as tokens. Let’s look at a few more single character token types.

from enum import Enum

class TokenType(Enum):
  LEFT_BRACE        = 1
  RIGHT_BRACE       = 2
  LEFT_PAREN        = 3
  RIGHT_PAREN       = 4
  STAR              = 5
  PLUS              = 6
  MINUS             = 7
  COMMA             = 8
  DOT               = 9

In the above code snippet, we’ve added few more meaningful representation of the characters. You’ll see how tokens come together once we start generating it buy parsing the characters. Let’s generate tokens now, shall we?

Generating Tokens

We’ll start from where we left off. In our Lexer class, specifically in the consume_character method, we were just printing the characters. Now we’ll use the characters to generate tokens. Let’s first generate a token for the { (LEFT_BRACE) character.

But how do we represent tokens? Currently we have represented them as text like LEFT_BRACE , RIGHT_BRACE and so on. But we have to represent them in some way. We’ll create a Token class which for now only holds the character and the textual representation of that character.

class Token:
    def __init__(self, tt: TokenType, value: chr) -> None:
        self.token_type = tt
        self.value      = value

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
    return f"{self.token_type} {self.value}"

In the above code snippet, we’ve created a Token class, which holds the token type and the value(character) of the token. Now that we can represent tokens in some form, let’s start generating them.

class Lexer:
    def __init__(self, ...) -> None:
        self.tokens: list = [] # we store all the tokens in a list

    def _consume_character(self) -> None:
        current_character: str = self.eat_and_move_on()
        if current_character == '{':

    def generate_token(self, tt: TokenType) -> None
        text: str = self.source[self.start_position:self.current_position]
        token: Token = Token(tt, text)

Let’s unpack the above code.

I’ve added a new method named generate_token which takes in the TokenType based on the character which we are currently parsing and it gets the text(character) from the source using the start position and the current position. Finally it creates a new Token object and pushes it into our tokens list.

In the consume_character , I’ve added an if condition which checks for the { character and if it’s true then, we use the generate_token method by passing in the token type and generate the token.

Go ahead and execute this code and try to print the tokens list and see what is in that list for yourself.

Currently, we are generating token only for the { character. We will now add all the characters that our lexer needs to parse and generate token. If you look at the above TokenType class we’ve added all the lexemes that we are trying to parse. Now the only thing that we have to do is generate tokens based on the characters. Let’s do that.

def _consume_character(self) -> None:
        current_character: str = self.eat_and_move_on()
        if current_character == '{':
        if current_character == '}':
        if current_character == '(':
        if current_character == ')':
        if current_character == '*':
        if current_character == '+':
        if current_character == '-':
        if current_character == ',':
        if current_character == '.':

We’ve added few more if conditions to check for other types of characters and generate tokens for them. Don’t worry about the beauty of the code, since Python doesn’t support switch cases we have used if conditions, we can also avoid using if statements and do this much more cleaner. But to keep things simple we are gonna stay with this for now.

Ignoring whitespaces

Let’s add the ability to ignore (discard) whitespaces to our Lexer. We will take three things into consideration.

  1. Simple space (’ ‘)
  2. Carriage return (’\r’)
  3. New line (’\n’)

If we come across these characters during our source language parsing we should ignore them. We’ll add this functionality to our _consume_character function. But first we’ll define a function to check whitespace characters.

def isWhitespace(self, character: str) -> bool:
    SPACE = ' '
    NEWLINE = '\n'
    return character in [SPACE, NEWLINE, CARRIAGE_RETURN]

def _consume_character(self) -> None:
    current_character: str = self.eat_and_move_on()

    if self.isWhitespace(current_character):

We’ve added a method named isWhitespace which takes in a character we are currently parsing and checks whether it is a white space or not. In the _consume_character method we are using that function by passing in the character. If it returns true we are returning from the function, which means we are doing nothing (discarding). That’s it, we’ve successfully added our functionality to ignore whitespaces. Go ahead and play around with the code and see what happens.

Two character lexemes

So far we’ve seen only one character lexemes like {, }, (, and so on. We’ll look at how to handle relational operators. Things like:

  • !=
  • ==
  • <=
  • >=

As you can see, there will be two cases that we have to deal with when parsing these characters and generating tokens. Let’s look at an example for !=

Parsing !=

The bang operator (!) can be used as a standalone operator, which stands for negation or not. So when parsing ! we have to check whether the next character is = or something else. If it is = we have to consider both of the character as a single token, which represents != (not equal to).

If it is only ! we have to consider it as not (negation) operator. Let’s add the functionality to achieve this.

class TokenType(Enum):
    BANG = 10
    BANG_EQUAL = 11

class Lexer:
    def match_next_character(self, expected_character: str) -> bool:
        if self.isAtEnd(): return False
        if (self.source[self.current_position] != expected_character): return False

        self.current_position = self.current_position + 1
        return True

    def _consume_character(self) -> None:
        current_character: str = self.eat_and_move_on()
        if current_character == '!':
            if self.match_next_character('='):

characters: str = "!=="

Let’s unpack. We’ve added a new method named match_next_character which takes in the expected_character which we are looking for and returns true if it matches else false.

In the _consume_character method we’ve added a condition to check if the current character that we are parsing is ! , if its true, we are checking whether the next character is equal to =. If its true, we are generating a token with the BANG_EQUAL type, else BANG type. We are using the keyword BANG because, this operator (!) is called as bang operator.

If you notice, in the match_next_character method, we are incrementing the value of current_position. Why is that? It’s because, we’ve confirmed that the next character matches the = character, so we have to treat != as a single operator. For this particular reason, we are incrementing the current_position value.

If we didn’t do that, our Lexer will parse the = again even after we consider the != as a single operator. Go ahead and comment out that line and run the code to see the difference.

Voila 🎉 we’ve successfully parsed the != operator. In a similar way, we can able to parse the remaining three relational operators.

if current_character == '=':
        TokenType.EQUAL_EQUAL.name if self.match_next_character('=') else TokenType.EQUAL.name
if current_character == '<':
        TokenType.LESS_THAN_EQUAL.name if self.match_next_character('=') else TokenType.LESS_THAN.name
if current_character == '>':
        TokenType.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL.name if self.match_next_character('=') else TokenType.GREATER_THAN.name

Keyword Parsing

Let’s examine some keywords commonly found in most programming languages. To keep things simpler, let’s take some keywords from Python.

  • and
  • or
  • not
  • if
  • elif
  • else
  • while
  • for
  • break
  • continue
  • def
  • return
  • class
  • print

Let’s breakdown the approach for parsing the keywords.

Whenever we come across a character, we will first check whether it is an alphabet or not, why? because all the keywords above only contain alphabets. Once we confirm that it’s an alphabet, we’ll peek through the following characters and check each and every character is an alphabet or not. Once we reach a non-alphabet character, we will stop there and take the text we parsed. Then we will check the parsed word with our keywords list, if we find a match, we will be generating the appropriate token.

class TokenType(Enum):
  # Keywords
  AND = 18
  OR = 19
  NOT = 20
  IF = 21
  ELIF = 22
  ELSE = 23
  WHILE = 24
  FOR = 25
  BREAK = 26
  DEF = 28
  RETURN = 29
  CLASS = 30
  PRINT = 31
class Lexer:
   # Keywords object which we will use to match against the parsed text
    KEYWORDS = {
    "and": TokenType.AND.name,
    "or": TokenType.OR.name,
    "not": TokenType.NOT.name,
    "if": TokenType.IF.name,
    "elif": TokenType.ELIF.name,
    "else": TokenType.ELSE.name,
    "while": TokenType.WHILE.name,
    "for": TokenType.FOR.name,
    "break": TokenType.BREAK.name,
    "continue": TokenType.CONTINUE.name,
    "def": TokenType.DEF.name,
    "return": TokenType.RETURN.name,
    "class": TokenType.CLASS.name,
    "print": TokenType.PRINT.name
    if current_character.isalpha():
      while (self.peek().isalpha()):
      keyword: str = self.source[self.start_position:self.current_position]
          Lexer.KEYWORDS.get(keyword, None)

    def peek(self) -> chr:
        if self.isAtEnd(): return '\0'
        return self.source[self.current_position]

There is a lot to unpack. Let’s look at it one by one.

We have added all the keywords that we needed under TokenType and we have also created a KEYWORDS object, which holds all the keywords with their names as keys and their respective token types as their values.

We have also added a new method named peek . The job of this method is to return the character in the current_position. We will use this method to read (parse) keywords.

Finally we’ve added an if condition which checks whether the character we are parsing is an alphabet or not. If it is an alphabet we will continue reading the following characters using the peek method until we reach any non-alphabetic character. Once we have reached the end of the non-alphabetic character, we will use the value of start_position and current_position to get the parsed text or character. Since our KEYWORDS object holds all the necessary keyword, we’ll match it against that object. If we find a match then generate the appropriate token, else do nothing.

We have reached the end of this blog post. We have created a Lexer that parses quite a lot of content. On that note, try adding support for parsing strings, numbers and identifiers. To take it one step further modify the code to parse a subset of Javascript.